Maximising Agricultural Efficiency and Cost Savings with AyaGrow
Twifo Oil Palm Plantation (TOPP) struggled with inefficient manual processes across their 4,000-hectare farmland, including time-consuming tree census, hazardous terrain mapping, and unreliable yield forecasting. These challenges led to resource wastage, safety risks, and operational inefficiencies. Learn how Aya Data’s AI-powered AyaGrow platform automated these processes, reducing census time by 90% and saving up to $54,500 annually in fertilizer costs.
Precision Medical Labeling: A Cydar Success Story
Cydar Medical struggled to maintain highly accurate medical image labeling while scaling their imaging operations to meet growing demands. The company needed consistent, precise labeling that met stringent medical standards for aortas, stents, and blood clots. Learn how Aya implemented a phased approach that enhanced diagnostic accuracy and streamlined data processing.
Simplifying Vehicle Damage Verification for Faster Insurance Claims
An African insurance company faced challenges in efficiently verifying vehicle damage claims through traditional methods, requiring a more automated solution for their diverse fleet of vehicles. Learn how Aya Data delivered 85,000 precisely annotated vehicle damage images, accelerating the client’s computer vision model deployment by three weeks.
Securely Procuring and Annotating Large Volumes of 3D DICOM Medical Data
A European MedTech company struggled to obtain and annotate 3D vascular scans while navigating strict medical privacy regulations and managing high specialist costs for complex annotations. Learn how Aya Data partnered with UGMC to deliver high-quality medical annotations that matched or exceeded European standards at reduced costs.