What is 3D Annotation?

3D annotation transforms complex spatial data into insights machines can understand. Our team skilfully labels 3D objects, scenes, and environments, creating the foundation for AI that truly grasps rich, real-world environments. From autonomous vehicles navigating city streets to robots interacting with their surroundings, our work supports clients’ advances in 3D perception and analysis. 

Our Clients

3D Annotation Services Available

We offer a comprehensive suite of 3D annotation services, including point cloud labelling for LiDAR, 3D bounding box creation, 3D polygon annotation, and 3D semantic segmentation. Our team of experts uses state-of-the-art tools to deliver high-quality annotations tailored to your specific project needs. From autonomous vehicles navigating city streets to robots interacting with their surroundings, our work supports clients’ advances in 3D perception and analysis.

3D Bounding Boxes

3D bounding boxes encapsulate objects in 3D space, providing position, orientation, and dimensions. Our team precisely places these boxes around objects, crucial for tasks like autonomous driving.

3D Polygon Annotation

3D polygon annotation creates detailed outlines of objects in three-dimensional space. We trace complex shapes, ideal for applications requiring fine-grained object segmentation. 

3D Semantic Segmentation

3D semantic segmentation assigns class labels to individual points or voxels in a 3D scene. Our annotators carefully categorise each element, enabling AI to understand complex 3D environments. 

3D Point Cloud Labelling

Point cloud labelling involves annotating 3D data from LiDAR sensors or 3D scans. Our team segments and classifies point clusters to identify objects like vehicles, pedestrians, buildings, and terrain features.

Why Use Aya for Your 3D Annotation Project

Talk to an Expert
    • Exceptional Customer EXPERIENCE

        • 1. Clear, timely communication throughout projects
        • 2. Value-driven customer engagement and success
        • 3. Flexible timeframes for project requirements
        • 4. Efficient annotation workflow management
        • 5. Transparent pricing and policies


    • Unwavering QUALITY

      • 1. Consistently exceeding client expectations
      • 2. Adaptable, innovative annotation solutions
      • 3.Speedy and accurate annotation processes
      • 4.Clear escalation paths for issues
      • 5.ISO, GDPR, SOC2 compliance
    • Unparalleled EXPERTISE

      • 1. Experienced, full-time annotation specialists
      • 2. Domain-specific knowledge across industries
      • 3. Geospatial data annotation experts
      • 4. LiDAR labelling and 3D specialists
      • 5. Skilled in 3D annotation tools