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Advanced Retail Security Through AI

Aya Data annotated 5,000 hours of surveillance footage to help develop real-time shoplifting detection systems for effective theft prevention.

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A leading CCTV analytics provider needed to develop a real-time shoplifting detection system but faced challenges with labeling 5,000 hours of varied-quality surveillance footage. Learn how Aya Data delivered precisely labeled video data through systematic processing and expert annotation, enabling effective theft detection and prevention.


Shoplifting is a major issue, with over 200 million incidents reported annually in the U.S. alone—equating to more than 500,000 cases a day. Globally, shoplifting results in over $120 billion in losses each year. To combat this problem, many companies are turning to technology for innovative solutions. A leading CCTV analytics provider sought to develop a model that could detect shoplifting in real-time, and they needed precise labelling of shoplifting events for training this model.


Aya Data was tasked with labelling 5,000 hours of CCTV footage to identify shoplifting events. This involved:

  1. Labelling Individuals: Each person in every frame of the footage had to be labelled with precise bounding boxes.
  2.  Marking Theft Events: Specific key points were added to indicate the start and end of thefts.

The footage presented challenges such as poor quality, non-sequential events from various stores, and sub-optimal camera angles, making accurate labelling and tracking difficult.


Aya Data tackled these challenges by:

1. Pre-Processing the Footage: We divided the 5,000 hours of CCTV footage into manageable segments.

2. Experienced Annotation Team: Over 100 skilled video annotators labelled each frame, identifying individuals and marking theft events.

3. Quality Assurance: Each frame was manually annotated and reviewed by a quality assurance lead to ensure accuracy before being delivered to the client.



The meticulously labelled footage was used to train a custom computer vision model that successfully detects shoplifting and warns of suspicious behaviour. The client was fully satisfied with the accuracy and effectiveness of the solution.

Looking to improve your retail security with real-time theft detection?

Contact us today to discover how our advanced solutions can help safeguard your business and reduce losses.

Disclaimer: Aya Data respects client confidentiality and will not disclose any specific client details or project information. Any identifying information in our case studies may be anonymized.


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