How Aya and Oko are Advancing the Next Step in ClimateTech 1. The Client Oko Environmental is bringing ClimateTech to West Africa. Through the pioneering reforestation methodology of Assisted Natural Regeneration (ANR), Oko is committed to combating climate change through...
Data annotation is a basic step, the foundation of all artificial intelligence and machine learning projects. You simply can’t have a functioning ML model that was created without processing data. And there are many types of data annotation, depending on...
As a subcategory of data annotation, video annotation is used in training AI models and improving their accuracy. But what exactly is video annotation and how does it work? In this comprehensive guide, we will dive into the world of...
Data labeling, a pivotal aspect of machine learning models and artificial intelligence, involves the systematic process of adding descriptive metadata or labels to raw data. These labels serve as the foundation for training AI algorithms to recognize patterns, objects, and...